Removal of grease stains

Tue, 23/06/2015 - 14:20 -- Liesbeth


Grease stains are especially risky on porous and unprotected floors. A treated floor, through crystallization or with a pore filler or an oil repellent is less susceptible to such problems.

If this still happens, it is possible to reduce or remove the stains.
The hardest part is to recover the initial state of the floor once the stain is removed.

This is a rather simple method to remove the absorbed grease stains :

1. Sand the area lightly with sandpaper  (grain 120) to remove the protective coating on the floor (wax, pore filler, …) and to open the surface.
2. Make a mixture of plaster and bleach or get a customized product in the store.
3. Apply the paste to the stain and let rest. During the drying process, the fat is sucked up from the floor.
4. Remove the mixture from the floor and sand (220, 320, 400) until you reach the desired result. Optionally apply a pore filler or a water and oil repellent protection.

To ensure optimal results and, depending on the condition of the floor around the treated area, it is often necessary to enhance the color or crystallize.